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국민 단결의 날 영어로

"국민 단결의 날" 예문"국민 단결의 날" 중국어

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  • Unity Day (Russia)
  • 국민    국민 [國民] a nation; [인민] a people;
  •     날11 [하루] a day; [시일] time; [일진] the
  • 단결    단결 [團結] unity; union; (공통의 목적·이해에서 생기는) solidarity; combination. 국민의 ~ national solidarity. 우방국(友邦國)간의 ~ the solidarity of the friendly nations. 읍사람들의 ~로 읍에서 부정이 일소되었다 Corrupt practices were cleaned
  • 결의    결의 [決意] resolution; determination. 단호한 ~ inflexible determination / firm resolution. ~를 새로이 하다 make a fresh determination. ~를 다지다 strengthen[firm up] one's will[determination / resolve] . ~를 표명하다 de
  • 11·25 자결의 날 미시마 유키오와 젊은이들    11:25 The Day He Chose His Own Fate
  • 아프가니스탄 국가연대전국연합단결국민회의    National Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
  •     날11 [하루] a day; [시일] time; [일진] the kind of day. 어느 ~ one day. 좋은 ~ a happy day / a red-letter day / a lucky[an auspicious] day. ~마다 day by[after] day / from day to day / every day. ~이 감에 따라 as days
  • 단결에    단결에1 [즉시] at a breath; at a stroke; at a once. ~에 들이키다 empty (the glass) at a draft. ~에 일을 끝내다 finish one's work at a stretch.2 [기회가 지나가기 전에] while there is a chance[an opportunity]; before the chan
  • 단결한    unal; united; solid
  • 비단결    비단결 [緋緞-] the texture of silk; a velvety texture. ~ 같다 be as soft as velvet. 마음이 ~ 같은 soft-hearted / tender-hearted / sweet-tempered. 그녀의 피부는 ~ 같다 Her skin is a velvety texture. 그녀의 마음은 ~ 같다 She is
  • 날 날    Day
  • 국민    국민 [國民] a nation; [인민] a people; [개개인] a national; a member of a nation; a citizen; a subject. 한국 ~ the Korean people[nation]. 농업 ~ an agricultural people. ~의 national. ~ 일인당 소득 the per capita in
  • 단결 (라트비아)    Unity (Latvia)
  • 단결시키다    solidify; unite
  • 단결하다    band


  • Unity Day Independence Day
    국민 단결의 날 독립기념일
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